Legendary Women interior designers!
Who is your favorite interior designer? For sure you must be having your ideal interior designer that you will reply in one second this question. But what about the people who inspired them?
You need to know these iconic woman interior designers who inspired all the following designers

⭐️ Elsie de Wolfe
She is known as the first interior designer of US. She was an actress but her style is beyond eye catching than her career. She styled her Irving Place avoiding the familiar Victorian approach. This way she got to decorate the Colony Club and become the most popular decorator of her time.

Sister Parish
Daughter of a wealthy family who are known as antique collectors, Parish got to open her own interior design shop in New Jersey. Her designs were warm and elegant. She had a collaboration with Albert Hardley which lasted over 30 years considered as most successful partnership.

Dorothy Draper
Cousin of Parish, known with her Draper Touch: bold, colorful, elegant and most of it alive! She handled interior design as a game of joy considering the right colors, consciousness of balance, proper lighting and smart accessories. She was following modern Baroque style. It was possible to find her classic interiors made up of black and white and it was again possible to find her bold interiors where she used glaring colors like green and pink together.
Sure they are not the only ones! So far there are many more who lead many approaches, effected many designers since now and made interior design a profession.
By the way who is your favorite woman interior designer? Share with us in the comments!
#womaninteriordesigner#womandesigner #womandecorator#legendarydesigner #elsiedewolfe#sisterparish #dorothydraper